第97 章 等老师吧!(1/1)
have fifty exam papers to mark tonight At.t0|C]市场:集市:marry◇(给试卷等)打分数We buy our fruit aables at the market 41150份考卷要评分。market/ma:kit/all2|C|&[U](对商品言的)市场;销路;行情:·naflower marker鲜花市场There are several new models on the market. 1 to 上有好几种新型号在售。.vt推销:促销(promote):在市场上买水果和蔬菜。The product will find a good market in Asia. 这种产品会在亚洲畅销。on the market在出售;可买到◇primarily through TV cartoons. 这些玩具是首批主要These toys were among the first to be marketed通过电视动画片来推销的产品之一。略/手段/maerid3/ ail nmarketing/ma:kitr/|n|U]营销:a marketing service / strategy / tool 营销服务/Their marriage sted 31 years. 他们的婚姻持续了31年。 happy marriage 幸福的婚姻|C|&[U]结婚;婚姻:③|C|密切结合:人教7-22[C]结婚仪式;婚礼(wedding)完美融合the perfect marriage ofrid milk 米糊和牛奶的ceremonyin1842.(2021浙江改)Charles Dresser performed theinwayn|C7马拉松赛跑(全.ng/mufan/naenjusknpt/nC]手机◇许多:多的许多;很多人:w him,我们之中很多人很多/极多:pd many nice pictures Ltent off to the war, andck 大部分年轻人上78回来p the march of prosnemaenarine menn…是的C海军陆战队士兵maritime/meentarm/, adj海的;海运的;海mark /mo:k/aan ink mart 墨清·CI污渍;痕迹:疤痕:Jallowed the marks that the car had left in thepuncmation marks 标点符号praxt.我们沿着汽车留在草地上的痕迹走去。符号:记号;◇品质、感情等的◇标志◇Anltemess is a mark of civilization.礼貌是文明的nate marks oree在树上作记号标志: marks满分成绩;分数(grade):Shescored the lowest mark in her css.她的得分全班最0[正式用语]靶子;目标:k站/miss he mark 命中/未命中靶子;达成/未leave one''s mark (on)取得成功;出名:成目标Ninston Churchill has surely left his mark on world kistory:温斯顿.丘吉尔已然在世界历史上留下了大名ort0留痕迹于;作记号于:Mark the pce with a circle on the map.在地图上出这个地方。When you get the paper back, pay pecial attentionto what have been marked.拿回试卷后,要特别注意作了标记的地方。标志(重要变化或发展阶段):In most tries, turning 18 marks the start of adulthood,在大多数国家,18岁标志着成年的开始。The gift marks the deep friendship of the two natio这份礼物是两国深厚友谊的象征。庆祝;纪念 to celebrate an importa:A firework dispy was ao mark the Queen''s birthday. 为了庆祝女王的生日,人们举million elephants we0世纪80年代,整个M可数名词单数作主语;非常多的:e lecture,很多学生搭配不同_(marry)maarrimarried /maerid/adj 已婚的;有配偶的:Please state whether you are single, married, or 已婚还是离异。divorced in the form. 请在表格中注明您是单身、How do you like married life?你认为婚后的生活怎样?be married to[表示状态]与……结婚:They have been married to each other for 20 years.他们已经结婚20年了get married to[表示动作]与.…结婚:Ja married to her husband immediately after graduation.简一毕业就给了她丈夫。marry /maeri/ ull V1 vt娶;嫁;和……结果: marry sb 与某人结婚:注和某人结婚,直接表达为marry sb,不用介词。 to the pace, the king marries the woman.一回到宫殿,国王就和这位女子结婚了口语中更常用get married。My father ''s trying to marry me to his atant''s daughter. 我父亲想让我娶他会计的女儿。② marry sb to sb把某人嫁给某人;为某人娶亲:lightly /rtll/ a R''adv 轻轻地:轻微地:少量地;轻率地:likerain lightly 下小雨step in lightly 轻轻地走进来题我们可不能掉以轻心。This is not a problem we should take lightly. D↑ M○ lightning/rtruy/ ¥n|U|闪电like Maik/ al=vt[一般不用于进行时]喜欢:What kind of movie do you like hest?你最喜欢哪种类型的电影?like(sb) doing/to do sth:backs.他从来不喜欢在背后议论人。He has never liked talking about people behind their I''m easy to get along with and I like to make friends.我容易相处并且喜欢交朋友, 2011辽宁书面表达I don ''t like people spitting in public. M T MkA3在公共场合吐痰。(2) like sb/ sth +adj:Do you like your tea strong or weak?你喜欢茶浓一些还是淡一些?2[常与should 或would 连用]希望;想要:I''d like a double room. 我想要一个双人间。1 would/ should like to do sth:Would you like to join us in the discussion? 1184o 我们一起讨论吗?2would /should like sb to do sth:We''d like you to stay for dinner. 我们希望你能留下来吃饭How do you like…?你(们)认为……怎么样?How do you like this oil painting?你认为这幅油画I''d like to.[省略句,I take you there in my car, ifyou like, 如果你愿意,我可以开车送你去那里。·prep像;和……一样:Life is like an o: Only the strong-willed reach the other shore. 生活就像海洋;只有意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸。⑧Let life be beautiful like summer flowers ah like autumn leaves. ±如秋叶-﹣泰戈尔2比如;例如:You had to be good at something, like sport, or reading the news, .你一定要有所擅长,比如体育、新闻播报或表演。如同;像……一样(as):Please do it like I tell you. 请照我说的去做。2好像;似乎(as if):It sounds like they don''t know what''s going oher: 听起来似乎他们也不知道发生了什么事。mn[常用复数]爱好;点赞:The post has received more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days. 帖子仅发出三天就被sb''s likes and dislikes 某人的好恶/爱憎e0|U]光(亮);光线:lightrt/bright/dim light 明亮/ 暗淡的光线a ray of light 一束光@|C]灯:turn on/offa light开/关灯Iraffic lights 交通信号灯bring . to light将……曝光;揭露:These dots have brought new information tolight about Shakespeare''s early life.这些文献披e to light为人所知:暴露:了莎士比亚早期生活的新资料。efforts of the police.在警方的努力下,一件隐秘的事实最近被发现了。A hiden fact has retly e to light through thein a good / bad / different /... light从好/坏/不同/……的角度:You must not view what happened in a ivethrow/ cast light on /upon使人了解:light.你切不要从负面的角度来看待发生的事This hook throws light on the effects of global climate ge这本书使人了解全球气候变化带来的影响0明亮的反rkIt''s getting light outside.天正在变亮浅色的darklight blue 淡蓝色轻的;轻柔的heavy轻松的:as light as a feather (= very light) 轻如鸿毛with a light heart 以轻松的心情in a light-hearted mood心情轻松愉快的/地◎少量的反heavy;清淡的:She was wearing only light make-up.她只化了淡妆Idid much for lunch, just a light snack. 4饭吃得不多,只吃了一点儿小吃。a light shower/breakfast 小阵雨/简单的早餐*(lit/ lighted, lit / lighted) vt & vi0点燃:When he es, we ''ll light the dles and sing"Happy Birthday" together for him.当他进来时,我们会点燃蜡烛并且一起为他唱"生日快乐"歌。The match won''t light. 这火柴划不着。2照亮:The painting shows a beautiful house lit by lights from inside, surrounded by the darkness ofnight.i 幅画描绘的是一座室内被灯光照亮、室外被夜色笼罩的美丽的房子。light up照亮;喜形于色:New Year''s fireworks lit up the sky over the city. T年焰火照亮了整个城市的天空。Her face lit up with pleasure.她的脸上露出欣喜的神色。lighten/rtn/ vi&vt(使)变亮;(使)明make/merk/,n|C|品牌:型号:What make is your car?你的车是什么牌子le animals are often rger han the fe=adjC|(不论性别的)人:Any man could do it. 这事任何人都能做。③|U][不用冠词]人类: has caused much damage to the enviro.人类已对环境造成了极大的破坏manage /maenidy/v1vt控制;对付 to deal with a difficult situation:Small sailboats easily turn over ier if they are not managed carefully.如果掌控不够小心,小帆船极易侧翻气的孩子不容易。It''s hard to manage so naughty a child对付这样淘2 vt & vi管理;经营to be in charge or trol of sth:manage a factory/bank/soccer team管理工厂/银行/足球队③vt& vi设法做成;努力完成to succeed in doing or dealing with sth difficult:We need people whood at managing. 我们需要擅长管理的人。I don''t know how she manages on her own with four kids.我真不知道她一个人是怎么养活四个孩子的。mao do sth:After tless interviews, I mao stand out among the didates and survive the test alone.è无数次面试后,我成功地从众多应征者中脱颖而出,仅我一个人在测试中过关。vt合理地利用(金钱、时间等)touseyour time, moc. sensibly:You o learn to manage your time more effectivehy你应该学会更有效地利用自己的时间。⑤ vi支撑;凑合着活下去 to be able to live without having much money好靠每周不到100美元来维持生活。He has to manage ohan S100 a week, 他只herd of graceful animals.放眼平原,我们he was making out a list of people to ie In some nguages, 100 words make up half of all wonds used in daily versations.在一些语言中,100个词就构成了一半的日常会话用语。2013天津With life being made up ofups and downs, it is not cways easy to maintain a good ahusiastic attitude.人生起起落落,要保持一个积极向make up some excuses 编造借口At your first meeting you should make up a rule book.在第一次会议上,你要编写出一个规章手册。Thy made him up as an old man for the st act of the py: 在演这出戏的最后一幕时,They have quarreled seriously three times but each again她们之间发生过三次激烈的争吵,但每次time they have made up and bee best friends 都重归于好Westerners should take advantage of the a ese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westernphilosophy.西方人应当利用古老的中国智慧弥补西方哲学的不足。. Jove ing here and seeing my family and all_(make) over the years.Caroline doesn''t have a gift for music, but she(弥补)it with hard work.Sarah made_to the airport just in time tocatch her phis m.4. We were all agreed that the cottage would_a perfect holiday home for the family.