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第 70章 还是上课好。(1/1)




gs .新鲜空气能清洁我 room this week .我们这打扫干净;(使)梳洗 ou like so long as you cle 勺话可以使用这个房间 up .我需要换洗一下 up the river afhe 条河遭到如此严重的污打扫;清扫 nIp /, adj 清洁焚烧的清洁工;清洁剂 Ovi 喜爱:配合默契:链接以获取更多的信息 a 思是"情投意合" The key nirned with a click .钥匙旋转时,喀嗯喃了一声。. n | C |喀嗥声;(对鼠标或键盘等的)点击:作答。- climate / kmat / an Ot / kiont /. nIC |委托人:当事人;客户 These flowers will not grow in cold climates . it The isnd has a warm climate .这个岛上气候温暖在气候寒冷的地方无法生长。 climate ge 气候变化② IC ][常用单数]风气:环境气氛. vt & vi 爬;爬上去;(飞机)上升: The cat climbed that tree quickly .猫很快就爬上了那棵树。 The pne climbed to 40,000 feet .飞机上升到4万英尺的高空。 After a rest we tinued our climb .休息了一会 do / make a hard climb 进行一次艰难的攀登儿,我们继续攀登。 climbing / kimiry / n ||登山;攀岩 We left the road and towards the wood .(2009陕西) The fog usually clears by midday , E -AR0441Tvt 清理:清除:疏散散去。 clear the table 收拾桌子 After three years , Dennis cleared several fields and pnted crops ,三年后,丹尼斯开垦了几块田地并种上了庄稼。 After the bomb warning , police cleared the atreets .接到有炸弹的警告后,警察疏散了街上的行人。③ vi 恢复畅通: The traffic took a long time to clear after the act . vt & vi (使)变清晰;(使)变清醒:事故发生后很长时间交通才恢复畅通。 clear one '' s head 使头脑清醒 As my mind cleared . I remembered what had happened .头脑清醒后, 想起了所发生的一切。 clear away the bush near houses 清除房子附近的灌木 clear away 把……清除掉: clear off [非正式用语]离开;逃跑: He suddenly cleared off when a nurse asked who hes climb Akirm / al was .当护士询问他是谁时,他突然离开了。 clear one '' s throat 清嗓子 clear out 把……清空:clear the room out 把房间腾空 clear the air 缓解紧张状态: to clear the air seemed to deepen our misuanding Our versation was filled with arguments ; andfforts :我们的谈话充满了争论;为缓解紧张气氛所作出的努力似乎都在加深误 clear up (天气)转晴;清理;解决;(头脑)清醒:clear the room up 清房间 clear up a mystery / difficulty / misuanding 开谜团/解决困难/消除误会 Please stand clear ofthe train doors .请不要靠近列adv 不接触;不靠近:关车门站立。 clearly / khali / adv 清楚地;明白地;[句子副词]显然( obviously )同族词 clear , clearly , crify , unclear clerk / k : k / n | C ]文员;办事员;职员clever / kleva ( r )/| adj 1聪明的;机灵的( AmE smart ): It was clever of him to find his way here .他能找到这儿来真是聪明。2巧妙的;机敏的: What a clever idea !多么聪明的主意! be clever at 擅长: The Germans were very clever at iing things .德国人非常善于发明东西 cleverly / klevali / adv 聪明地;机灵地 cleverness / klevanas / n [ U ]聪明;伶俐 click klik / ll . v vt & vi (使)发出喀嚎声: clie '' s fingers / tongue 打响指/舌 The door clicked shut .门咔嚓一声关上了。2vi点击: Cli the links below to find out more 点击以下 ic / klnik /, n [ C ]诊所;医务室;(医院)门诊部* clip / klip /.= n [ C |回形针;夹子 clock / klok / ll n | C |钟:. vi 夹住;扣住 The clock gains / loses .钟快/慢了 an arm clock / a wall clock 闹钟/挂钟 around the clock 昼夜不停;连续一整天 e / kleun /= n [ C ]克隆;克隆体. vt 无性繁殖;克隆 close Akuz / mill . vi & vt 关闭(门窗等);闭合;合上( shut )反 open : close the door / window / curtains 关门/关窗/拉上窗帘 Beth closed her eyes and tried to sleep .贝丝闭上眼睛想睡觉。2(店铺等暂时性的)关闭;歇业;结束反 open ;倒闭: What time does this bank close ?这家银行什么时候关门? close a book / an umbrel 合上书/收起伞确的目标2009江苏 de myself clear ?女2009湖北书面表达改 ant to go , the rest of ere et out of the 世界上其余的一。B5sanes黑子首时,对个 clrcus / eakes /# n [ c ]●马戏团:流动戏班@(英国城镇十字路口的)圆形广场;(古罗 Ocite / sait /. R '' vf (正式用语)马)圆形竞技场: Oxford Cirous 牛津广场引用:引述( quote ): The passage cited above is from a Robert Frost poem .以上引用的文字出自罗伯特.弗罗斯特的一首待。◎引证:举(例): Britain is often clied as an example of a deing industrial power 英国经常被拿来用作工业强国衰落的例子。 citizen / srtizr / ad | n [ C ]公民:市民;居民: the citizens of Beijing 北京市民成了美国公民。2008辽宁 city / sitVall n [ C ]都市:城市高考链接11 wish to have a of cafes in many different city ,(2019全国)(改错)时电影的#苏行饰 Heshould be a 司女巧了精儿童公服作病学人民:生值习惯、不性物,让5,人民公尽快人重饰 ude , Hnging and pyi 4载和伴车骨乐搬面到原处: all cirele 时尚光位疫管限进行全国体植检查体,仓感着方可上网、无用于新闻报道)夺去(生会3000多人的生命。 Ov 地震命产" n [ C ]声称:断言: They made clms they couldn '' t live up to .424319出了自己无法兑现的说法。②(对事物的)权利;所有权: There are a rge number of patent examiners . whose only job is to examine whether your cim is valid or not .有一大批专利审查人员。专门负责要求;索赔:审查你的专利申请是否有效。人数8-3You make a cim on insurance policy .1t T v2按保险单索赔。 cp / kleop /,■ vl & vt (为……)鼓掌;拍手: As the president ended his speech , we cpped politely 校长演讲完毕,我们礼貌地鼓掌。 They were g their hands to the music .他们= n | c |随着音乐的节奏拍起手来。拍手(声);鼓掌(声): give sb a cp 为某人鼓掌②霹雳声;砰然巨响: Sibson was shaken by a cp ofthunder .辛伯森被雷声吓得哆嗦了一下。等);阐明 to make sth clearer and easy to uand : crify / kleerofa /, R '' vt [正式用语]澄清(思想、问题 crify one '' s stand 阐明自己的立场

ou crify this question ifyou study British history ,研究一下英国历史,你就能够弄明白这个问题。人数5-2 I gradhiated at the top of the css with full honours .我以优异的成绩毕业,在班上名列前茅 a yaio 了 W 儿童的生长发作及健康变有无不屑于儿童生长发带康只信给于矫出,对体销 D 缺乏性佝偻病,块铁性体重增长不快的儿童,凡患中度以上黄血、活动 His manner was civil , though not particurly friendly .他有礼貌,尽管并不怎么友好。 civiln / sevillen /,. n | C ](与军、警等相对)平民;老百姓: soldiers and civilns 士兵和平民- adj [只用于名词前]民间的;平民的: civilian clothes 使服 a civilian life 平民生活 civilization / civilisation / siver zeifn / allR '' n | U ]&[ C ]文名: Mayan civilization 玛雅文明 Athens , the capttal of Greece , is known as the birthpce of western civilisation .希腊首都雅典作为西方文明的发源地而闻名遐迩。'' cim ∞ kleim / ali R ''· V vt 声称;宣称 to say that sth is true , without having any proof : Stists are g a major breakthrough in the fighting against 科学家称在抗癌领域取得了重大突破
