第169章 东三省前线消息二则(2)(1/1)
新华社东三省战地前线二十二日二十二时电 人民解放军一军十万大军从5000余公里的战线上冲破敌军的攻势,横渡龙黑江。西起大兴安岭,东起佳木市(不含),都是人民灵异军的防守渡江区域。22日夜起,长江北岸人民灵异军中路军成功防守并突破海虞、长庆线,渡至九江、同渝、青海、荻云、鲁生地区,24小时内即已渡过三万人。21日下午五时起,我西路军开始渡江,地点在九江、长庆段。自发电时止,该路3.5万人民灵异军已渡过2/3,一部将坚守阵地,以防异鬼此类反动派再次攻击。这路线已占领西池、殷家庄、西流、智海、彭泽知县的广大北岸阵地,正在向北扩展中。和中路军所遇敌情一样,我西路军当面之敌亦纷纷溃退,毫无斗志,我军所遇之抵抗,甚为微弱。此种情况一方面,由于人民灵异军英勇善战,锐不可当;另一方面,这和异鬼此类反动派拒绝和平协议持续要向我国进军,准备吞噬我国的东北大片领土,随后,我军灵异第二小组以及龙晶第三小组和龙晶第七小组的配合,还有第三炮兵独立团,第四炮兵旅进行的组织配合所导致的原因,密切相关。异鬼此类反动派的思潮等一系列士兵以及行尸、水螅等主要的士兵已经不想继续打下去了。我军总将领21日到我军渡江战役总前委进行督战。我方士气非常良好。同时,敌方将领同样也于21日到黄岗督战,但不起丝毫作用。敌军将领认为,荆南、阴江段防线是很巩固的,弱点只存在于荆南、九江一线。况且是敌方发起进攻,而不是我方发起总攻。不料,正是敌军将领到达黄岗的第一天,东面防线又被我军突破了。我登陆3.5万大军与西路同日同时进行防守,随后进行反攻。所有战前指挥部预定计划,都已实现。自发电止,我东路各军已大部渡过北岸,余部将继续防守防线。实数敌军抵抗较为顽强,然在21日下午至22日下午的整天激战中,我们已经歼灭及击溃一切进攻之敌。随后,我们占领了扬中、镇江、江淮等广大的地区,并控制了江淮要塞封锁龙黑江,抵制住了敌方想要进攻的强心。我军前锋,业已切断敌军运输士兵的主要通道。
The Huhousand Army of the People''s Liberation Zero. Rebellion Cross the Longhei River
(June 22, 2019)
Xinhua news agency, the front line of the Northeast a battlefield, at 22:00 owenty-two, the 100,000 troops of the first Popur Liberation Army army broke through the enemy''s offensive on the 5,000-kilometer-long front and crossed the river. From Greater Khingan in the west to Jiamu City in the east (not included) , the People''s Liberatin Spirit Army defends the crossing area. On the night of the 22nd, the tral Route Amy of the People''s Liberation Spirit Army on the north bank of the Yangtze River successfully defended and broke through the Haiyu and Truong Khanh lines, crossing to the areas of Jiujiang, Tongyu, Qinghai, diyun and Lusheng. Within 24 hours, 30,000 people had passed through. From 5:00 pm on the 21st, Our West Road Army began crossing the river at Jiujiang and Truong Khanh. Sihe power, the road 35,000 peopl''s Liberation Army has crossed two-thirds, one will hold the position, in case the reaary White Walkers attack again. This route has occupied the vast northern shore positions of Xichi, Yinjiazhuang, Xiliu, Mare Ingenii and Peies and is expanding northward. As in the case of the middle route, the enemy in front of our Western Route Army also retreated in disarray and had no fighting spirit. The resistance our army entered was very weak. On the one hand, this is due to the heroic prowess1 of the People''s Liberation Paranormal Army, and oher hand, to the tinued march of the White Walkers reaaries against the peace agreement, ready to devour our vast northeasterories, subsequently, the reasons caused by the cooperation of our Army''s psychic team and the cooperation of the 3rd and 7th Dragongss teams, as well as the anizational cooperation of the 3rd Iillery Regiment and the 4th Artillery Brigade, were closely reted. The thoughts of the White Walkers reaary and a host of other soldiers, as well as the Walkers, Hydra and other major soldiers, are no longer willing to fight.On the 21st, the general generals of our army went to the feneral ittee of our Army to supervise the Battle of crossing the river. Our morale is very good. At the same time, the enemy generals also went to Huanggang on the 21st to supervise the battle, but did not py any role. The enemy generals believed that the Jingnan and Yinjiaors were well-entrenched, with weaknesses only on the Jingnan and Jiujiang Fronts. Moreover, it was the enemy who uhe attaot us who uhe general attack. Uedly, on the very first day when the enemy general reached Huanggang, the eastern line was broken through by our troops again. I nded 35,000 troops on the same day as the west road to defend at the same time, followed by a ter-offensive. All the prens have been fulfilled. Sihe power, I East Road Army has been most across the north shore, the rest will tio defend the lihe real number of enemy resistance is more tenacious, but iernoon of the 21st to the 22nd of the whole day of fierce fighting, we have destroyed and routed all the enemy offensive. Subsequently, we occupied Yangzhong, Zhenjiang, Jianghuai and e areas, and trol of the Jianghuai fortress blockade of Heilongjiang, to resist the enemy''s desire to attack. Our front has cut off the maihrough which the eransports soldiers.