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香蕉文学网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第7章 大结局7

第7章 大结局7(1/1)

"You witnessed Pee's greatest work with your own two eyes aroyed it in its ie state. And now, your Super Saiyan power is going to fuel its source."


Gohan searched through his hazy, addled memory, trying to piece together the fight against Kab and recalling that giant robot. But that was all insignifit pared to the mix of fear and anger rushing through his soul.


"With you p the Big Gete Star, nobody in the universe will be able to stop me!"


As he tried and failed to wrestle his way out of Crip, Gohan turowards his father, who he help of the Namekians to even stand up. Less like the teenager who had quered the worst the universe had to offer and more like the toddler orthless without the prote of his parents, Gohan whimpered helplessly, trying to will his father with the strength to rescue him.


"And as for all of you!" Cooler said, addressing the Namekians while Neiz and Drabbed the Dragon Balls. "Despite what my reputation would suggest, I'm actually a more reasonable, diplomatic authority than my brother. I have everything I need, so I have no business with your p anymore. Don't get me wrong, I'm taking the Dragon Balls I've already collected with me as insurance, but you're free to live on and try ing the mess I've made of your world. Hell, if I ever get a hankering for a wish, I might pay a little visit."


Goku jerked away from the elder Namekian's grip, but fell right onto his face without his support. Cooler snorted in amusement.


"You've taken all you handle already, haven't you? I'm something of a battle junkie myself, so feel free to stop by any time to try saving your son," Just to demonstrate his handle ouation, Cooler tossed Gohan onto his shoulder like a prop.

"虽然你已经承受了你能承受的一切,是吧?我自己也是个战斗狂,所以随时欢迎你来试着救你的儿子。" 库拉说着,轻松地将悟饭像道具一样扔在他的肩膀上,以展示他对形势的掌控能力。

"Though at that point you'll be pig a dry, withered flower."


"D-Dammit…" Goku growled, a decade-old sense of futility ripping through his chest.

"该死的..." 孙悟空咆哮着,十年来的无助感撕裂着他的胸膛。

"Let him go…!"

Cooler shook his head, having a ugh with his soldiers.



"It's been fun…"

They band of meraries floated back up into the sky, regarding the Namekians and the broken Saiyan with smiles of triumph.



The widest smile of them all came from their vici-leader who effortlessly held Goku's son in his arm.


"But my work here is done."


They flew away, leaving the Namekians to try making sense of what they had just witnessed.


Several of them surrounded Goku, one of the youths in a white robe and burgundy vest sitting the Saiyan back up.


"A-Are you okay, sir?"


Goku didn't reply.


He didn't even nod.


While clearly awake and scious, he didn't exhibit a single movement at all.


His eyes had been rewo bnk vases looming a thousand yards ahead.


On a p where the sky was green, and the grass was blue, ohing had remaihe same:


Son Goku could do nothing to protect his first-born son.


Goku had seen Piccolo doing something akin to gloating, judging from the indiary grin on his fad bombastic shoutiures.


But he hadn't really aowledged it or eveered the words ing from his mouth before he flew away.


His attention was drawn solely to the red hat and the four-star Dragon Ball that had been discarded on the grass.


He didn't even feel like he was in his own body, instead watg himself shuddering on the ground in a pathetic heap.


His mind had been engaged in fight mode before he and Piccolo arrived.


The task was simple – chase after the Dragon Ball on the radar, poun Raditz, and fight however long it took to save Gohan, even if it killed him.


But Raditz was o be found, aher was his four-year-old son.


Judging from the crater a few yards away and the strong stench of freshly burned fuel, this resumably the field on which Raditz arrived.


But there was no spaceship to be found.


He couldn't eve harrowing, pitch-bck Ki signature of his brother.


His brother.


He didn't even know he had a brother and knew nothing of his actual parents.


But now he found out he really did have blood family out there, and THIS was they did to him and his son? His own brother held his nephew hostage and had now –



He didn't even want to po.

His son would turn up any time nht? Maybe he had snuck off and now Raditz was off sc every part of the Earth.

He was quite clever for his age and sometimes a nightmare to keep track of.

It would be just like what happened moments before they flew to Roshi's isnd – he'd find Gohan somewhere g his eyes out until a big smile came on his faowing his dad had e to save him.






Only problem was, he hadn't sensed him.

Not in the field, not anywhere in the viity, not on any er of Earth.

Goku turned around and sat down, weaving a hand through spiky bangs to rub his forehead while his heart thumped.

Only oher occasion had left him so rattled; he had been about ten years old, waking up in the ravaged remains of the forest he lived in to find a colossal footprint.

Ier had beeher Gohan – the kind old martial artist that had raised him like his own son, killed by the monster he always warned Goku about.

But though he had passed on, he had left that four-star ball behind foku to remember him by; it had been enough to mend Goku's heart together, as he carried on as if it were really him.







Now, he stared at that same four-star ball he had passed on to his son, Gohan.

In his eyes, it looked like nothing more than an e ball with four red stars.



Goku rarely ever cried in his life.

But as he sat in the middle of the field, his visiohe lohan remained absent.



All he could think about was how terrified the child must have been – if he was even still alive.


He but a toddler, Goku and Chi-Chi's little pride and joy, and in one fell swoop he was left subjected to the worst types of horror imaginable.


It all made Goku physically ill.


At some point, a small yellow jet with the ubiquitous Capsule Corp logo arrived to the battlefield.


Bulma, Krillin, and Roshi, his best friends and master, spilled from the vessel and stormed towards him; he didn't even look up.


"What's going on, Goku?!" Krillin asked.

"Is that creep gone? What about Piccolo?"



Goku kept his eyes on the Dragon Ball, blinking idly.


"Wait, where's Gohan?" Bulma asked.

She opened her mouth to speak, but caught Goku's despo, teary-eyed expression and gasped.

"Oh, no.

No, no."





Of all the workouts and battles Goku had undergone, merely getting his mouth and vocal cords prepared to aheir questions was the single most difficult a of his entire life.


Saying it would force himself to admit the reality of this nightmare of a day.


He had woken up with excitement, anticipating seeing his friends for the first time in five years and eager to introduce them to his baby boy.

Now, he was hoping he would just wake up again.



"They're all gone," Goku murmured, his voice crag.

"Gohan's... gone."


His three friends reacted like it had been their own son, immediately getting down to their knees and pulling Goku into a hug, g along with him.


Their effort, while appreciated, did absolutely nothing to soothe Goku's spirit.


He stared at the green bdes of grass and then back at the blue sky, where he could only see his failure as a father.


Goku stared at the blue bdes of grass and then back at the green sky, where he could only see his failure as a father.


Ten years ter, there he was again, out on another p and once again seeing his son hauled off into the unknown.


It had gone far differently, of course - Gohan wasn't the meek, polite kid who could do little but cry.


He was now the most powerful fighter the universe had ever seen, fighting effortlessly while overflowing with the pinnacle of his race's power and losing only to a dirty trick.


But just like ten years prior, a single ko his chest left Goku with little to do but watch as his son was swept away.



Goku tore a few bdes of grass out from Namek's soil while his body vulsed.


What was he even worth anymore? Fet his status as a warrior.


What kind of father could fail to keep his son safe from the universe not once, but twice? Back when he finally returo Earth, Gohan had regarded Goku


with distressing ess, and food reason.

All of the hell Gohan had been through was written clear on his face – across his eye, even.

After enduring that nightmare, he had every reason in the world to resent his father for being weak.




"I couldn't save him…"


He locked his eyes to the ground, his slowly losing his grip of himself.

That unyielding feeling of helplessness drained him of all the positivity he lived by, repg all of his emotions with rage.

Everything angered him – Frieza and his entire anization for even f them to go all the way out to Namek, his brother for taking his son away to begin with, and more importantly, himself.

Never in his life had he felt a hatred so potent, aook the majority of it to his ow.





Around Goku, the winds arose.

Within Goku, his power arose.

The Saiyan blood that Goku had spent a decade trying to deny burned with vengeance, igniting energy within him that he had never felt before.

The potent energy pulsed through Goku's body until it felt seds from tearing itself apart, redug him to a snarling, rabid animal.





The Namekians scattered from the manic Saiyan, weary that he was going to snap aroy them all.

After his hair flickered the shade a few times, a Goku's hair struck gold while a brilliant explosion of power detonated from his body, p out with a primal roar.



Like Gohan had done moments earlier, Goku too had bee a Super Saiyan.


With his radiew power setting in, Goku restlessly spun his teal eyes all around his surroundings.

The target of his volic wrath, Cooler, had been o be found, leaving only the fbbergasted stares of the Namekians for him to tend with.

From their expressions, they clearly didn't expect to live any longer; it was enough to narrowly snap Goku out of his spell.




"My word…" mumbled the portly, elderly Namekian in red.


Goku took trol of his new Super Saiyan strength and drew out an elongated sigh.

"It's okay.

But I have to get out of here.




He flexed his energy to fly away aurn to his ship, but the elder Namekian called out to him.

"Sir, hold on!"



Goku swung around with an urgent gre that spooked the group of green.

"What is it?!"



"I uand that you're angry," the Namekian expined, "But is it wise to go after them alone? We have warriors that could join you and help out.


Though both impressed and appreciative of the Namekians' gesture, Goku scoffed and shook his head.

"No, it won't be enough.



I have to hahis.


"That's my son they have.

If I 't save him, I'll sure as hell die trying.



He meant every st word – and the Namekians heard it loud and clear, nodding in cession.


"I uand," said the Elder.

"But before you go, might I ask why you're here? Your son was wearing simir clothes as those men, though clearly not on their side.



"Those guys attacked our p," Goku growled, his skin crawling with impatient bloodlust.

"We had a Namekian that escaped from this pce, I guess, and our ow on Balls, but they killed him and a ton of others.

We came here hoping to use your Dragon Balls t him and everyone else back.




Collective surprise came over the entire group of Namekians, most of all the elder.

"I see! He must have fled the storm that took our p many spells ago.

The Grand Elder before me, the only survivor who could have known him, passed away nearly ten years ago.

I know you're low on time aainly patience, but could you spare one moment so I probe your mind?"





Goku restlessly looked up at the sky and back at the Namekians, keeping himself from blowing him off and flying away only with the absolute depths of his mental discipline instilled in him by Grandpa Gohan. "孙悟空焦躁不安地抬头看着天空,然后又看着那些纳美克星人,他凭借着爷爷孙悟饭灌输给他的绝对深度的心理修养,克制住了自己飞走的冲动。

"Fine." "好吧。"

The Namekian elder walked up to Goku and gingerly brought his hand to his forehead, fling at the votile heat his Super Saiyan body radiated but heless letting his palm linger for a few moments. 纳美克星的长老走到孙悟空面前,小心翼翼地把手放在他的额头上,因为孙悟空超级赛亚人体内散发出的炽热热量而略微退缩,但仍让手掌停留片刻。

"Ah, now I see," he said, stepping away from Goku with a few nods. "啊,我明白了,"他说着,向孙悟空点了几下头,离开了他的身边。

"The Namekian split into two after darkness entered his heart, but sought to correct his mistakes with the Dragon Balls while his dark half reinated aually became an honorable man in his ht. If you defeat this monster aurn with the three Dragon Balls he stole, we'll be more than happy to have your wishes granted. " "纳美克星人在心中陷入黑暗之后分裂成两个个体,但他试图通过龙珠来纠正自己的错误,而他的黑暗半身则投胎重生,并最终成为一个正直的人。如果你打败这个怪物并带回他偷走的三颗龙珠,我们将非常乐意满足你的愿望。"

"Thank you," Goku said. "谢谢你。"

As the Namekian elder nodded with a gracious smile, the younger Namekian in burgundy walked towards him with the scouter that had fallen from Cooler's eyes following Gohan's first attack. "Sir? I'm not quite sure I uand how this instrument works, but those guys were all wearing them. A unication device that could assist your search for them, perhaps?" 当纳美克星的长老带着亲切的微笑点头时,身穿酒红色衣服的年轻纳美克星人走向他,手里拿着从库拉的眼睛上掉下来的探测器,这是在悟饭的第一次攻击之后发生的。 "先生?我不太确定我理解这个仪器的工作原理,但那些家伙都戴着它们。也许这是一种可以帮助你寻找他们的通信设备?"

A scoku told himself as he took it from the boy's green hands and slipped it over his ear. Mimig what he had seen others do, he clicked the red button on the white holster. 孙悟空心里想着,这是一个探测器,他从年轻纳美克星人的绿色手中接过来,戴在耳朵上。他模仿着他看到别人的动作,按下了白色佩带上的红色按钮。

"-we get him in that fain, the Big Gete Star will send your power through the roof!" "-我们可以让他再次进入那种形态,大金属星将使你的力量飙升!"

Goku's heartbeat rose as he reized the stra of the voice speaking through the scouter – Salza, the minty blue fellow that had left with King Cold's head. 孙悟空的心跳加速,因为他认出了通过探测器传来的声音的奇怪口音 - Salza,那个带着科尔王头颅离开的薄荷蓝色家伙。

And not only could he hear his voice, but he could see a videh the lens dispying a group of soldiers inside a room full shelves and maes. 他不仅能听到他的声音,还能通过镜头看到一个视频,展示了一个房间里摆满货架和机器的士兵团。

He made out someone in the er of the lens; a figure sitting down in ravaged, dark blue armor, his shaggy bck hair visible. 他在镜头的角落里看到了一个人,一个坐在被毁坏的深蓝色盔甲中的身影,他凌乱的黑发可见。

The enraged Super Saiyan yahe scouter from his ear and squeezed his hands. 愤怒的超级赛亚人从耳朵上拽下探测器,紧握双手。

"Wait!" screamed the Namekian teen, just barely saving the scouter from Goku's grip. "等等!"纳美克星的少年尖叫着,勉强从孙悟空的手中救下了探测器。

"That's your one link; don't break it." "那是你唯一的联系;不要打破它。"

Goku loosened his fingers and stared at the blue lens with a curt nod. 孙悟空松开手指,用干脆的点头盯着蓝色镜头。

"You're right." "你说得对。"

"Good save, Dende," said the Namekian elder before he addressed the Super Saiyan. "Son Goku, is it?" Goku blinked in surprise, until figuring he picked it up in his mind sing. The Namekiaended his hand. "My name is Moori, the Grand Elder of Namek. Good lu your battle. " "干得好,登登,"纳美克星的长老说道,然后他对超级赛亚人说道。"孙悟空,对吧?"孙悟空惊讶地眨了眨眼,然后明白自己在心灵筛查中得到了这个信息。纳美克星人伸出手来。"我叫莫利,纳美克的大长老。祝你在战斗中好运。"

Goku grasped a firm hold of the Namekian's wrinkly hand, his brows just as strong as his grip. "谢谢。我会回来的。"

After letting go of Moori's hand, Goku motioo turn around before notig something out of the er of his eye. 释放了莫利的手后,孙悟空打算转身,但眼角注意到了一些东西。

From one of the white houses came a Namekian in a gold vest holding one of the immense indigenous Dragon Balls. 从其中一座白色房屋中走出一名穿着金色马甲的纳美克星人,手持一颗巨大的土生土长的龙珠。

"At least we kept this Dragon Ball safe," the young Namekian said. "我至少保住了这颗龙珠,"年轻的纳美克星人说道。

"I'll go to the other vilges and collect the other Dragon Balls so they'll be ready for his return." "我会去其他村庄收集其他的龙珠,这样他回来时就准备好了。"

Quickly, Goku ted all of the stars – owo, three…four. 迅速地,孙悟空数了数星星 - 一个、两个、三个...四个。

After letting his eyes linger on them for nearly a minute, Goku closed his eyes with a steely resolve. 在将眼睛停留在星星上近一分钟后,孙悟空下定决心闭上了眼睛。

"If you don't mind, could I bring that with me?" "如果你不介意的话,我可以把它带走吗?"

Maybe it was just how identical they all looked in general, but the Namekians expression looks of simir fusion. 也许只是因为他们在外貌上看起来如此相似,但纳美克星人的表情都显得相似的困惑。

"Um, sir, wouldn't it be safer here than out there with you?" "呃,先生,留在这里不会比跟你一起出去更安全吗?"

"I know, but…" Goku stared wistfully at the four stars, his sharp eyes dulling a fra of an inch. "我知道,但是..."孙悟空依依不舍地盯着那四颗星星,他锐利的眼神黯淡了一丝。

He walked over to the Namekian and pced his hand on the ball's e surface. 他走到纳美克星人身边,将手放在龙珠橙色的表面上。

"I just...need a piece of Gohan with me." "我只是...需要带着一部分的悟饭。"

While the younger Namekian stared at Goku impishly, the Grand Elder Moori pced his darker green hand over his. "It's okay. These Dragon Balls are more than simple orbs after all. They carry a great significe to all that know of its power, meaning different things to different people. I sehat this particur Dragon Ball is a tremendous symbol in this Saiyan's life." 当年轻的纳美克星人顽皮地盯着孙悟空时,大长老莫利将他那更深绿色的手覆在他的手上。“没关系。这些龙珠不仅仅是简单的珠宝。它们对所有了解它们力量的人都有着巨大的意义,对不同的人意味着不同的东西。我感觉到这颗特殊的龙珠在这个赛亚人的生命中是一个巨大的象征。”

Though it looked more like a smirk with his brows as rigid as they were, Goku smiled at the Grand Elder, recalling the wisdom of the Namekian elder waiting patiently ierlife. 尽管他的眉毛僵硬得像是个坏笑,但孙悟空对着大长老微笑,回忆起在来世耐心等待的纳美克星长老的智慧。

"You're right about that," Goku said as the younger Namekian handed him the ball. With immeasurable gratitude, he bowed towards him. "I won't disappoint you. I'll see you soon." “你说得对,”孙悟空说道,当年轻的纳美克星人将龙珠递给他时。他无尽的感激之情,向他鞠了一躬。“我不会让你失望的。我很快就会见到你。”

Goku took off into the sky, flying faster than he ever had in his life. As soon as he got ihe spaceship, he set the Dragon Ball down and stared at his oed refle, taking in his new face with vigor. His mind was as focused as it was scattered, assured in what o be done. He wouldn't fail this time. Gohan deserved his ce to finally enjoy a life without fear and trauma, and as his father, it to him to deliver it. 孙悟空冲上天空,飞得比他生命中任何时候都要快。一进入宇宙飞船,他就将龙珠放下,凝视着自己扭曲的倒影,以充沛的活力欣赏自己的新面孔。他的思绪一片散乱,但又专注于需要完成的事情。这一次他不会失败。悟饭应该得到他享受无恐无惧的生活的机会,作为他的父亲,这是他的责任去实现这个愿望。

After he pressed a button orol panel, a video s repelled from the ceiling.


A video transmission flicked on, revealing Bulma's puzzled faside her office.


Her eyes ballooned with surprise at the sight of Goku.


"Goku?! Your hair! Your eyes! What's going on?!"


"You know how to work these scouters, right?" Goku asked, tapping his finger against the lens.


"Yeah, of course.

But 't Gohan help you with that?"



Goku lowered his hand and squeezed it into a fist, his lips curling into a snarl.


"He's not here right now.

I o track down a location."



Bulma's face grew weary, immediately pig up Goku's implication.


"Oh, no…sure, I'll get right on it.

Gohan programmed a scouter to the trol panel, so I figure out exactly what you need remotely.

All I o do is ect to the scouter you're wearing."




Goku stepped away as Bulma rolled her chair over to her ptop, letting her do her thing as patiently as he could.


Once he kly where they were, there would be hell to pay.


"eng ndfall o Panera."


Goku hadn't ted the days since he'd left Namek, but k had been a good while.


Heavy bags y beh his bloodshot eyes, his hair still golden as the Super Saiyan power flowed within him.


He had gotten zero sleep, devoting his entire flight to training under heavy gravity.


Now, as his ship made its pluo the atmosphere of the p Cooler and his men had nded on at some point, Goku felt more than ready to take him down and save his son.


An explosion suddenly struck the ship, knog Goku to the floor.


As soon as he stood back up, aronger explosion blew off a piece of the wall.


Goku instinctively shielded himself from the debris falling on top of him before remembering the Dragon Ball.


He took a dive after spotting it in the er of his eye, but another explosion ter and the ball flew out of the ship and swept into the air.


"Dammit!" Goku screamed, reag his arm out.


He had no time to try pursuing the ball before the ship finally crash nded and exploded, ravaging his body with cussions of fire aal.


By the time the propulsive opped assaulting his eardrums, Goku had been buried beh a pile of metal and equipment, hardly able to move.


He could feel warm blo down his arm, but had no way of maneuvering himself to ihe damage.


"Yup, Lord Cooler was right on the mohat monkey really was following us!"


In the midst of his ears ringing, Goku could overhear the voice from miles above the pile.


He tried lifting his head, but a metal rod smacked into his face.


"Now let's finish the job!"


A thuorm of bsts cascaded onto the scrapyard that had once been a spaceship, detonating every k of metal surrounding Goku and driving him into the ground.


They wound up serving as a shield, though the rapid explosioainly hurt.


After the bsts finally ceased, and the worst of the smoke blew away, Goku groaned and shoved away all of the rubble bearing down on him.


His Super Saiyan power had left him, redug him to a broken Saiyan who could hardly move, only able to roll away from the pile of scraps in a coughing fit.


Through his dusty, half-lidded vision, he looked up at the wheat-shaded sky, w where everythi wrong.


The Dragon Radar had undoubtedly beeroyed.


The Dragon Ball that he had irrationally brought food luck was gone.


The ship was destroyed.


He was stranded.


Wheried standing up, he grimaced at the sight of his blood-soaked left arm.


His e Gi hadn't survived the assault, leaving him in his ragged blue undershirt that had bee caked in his red blood.


His back wouldn't allow him to stand, leaving him with nothing to do but grovel in the dirt of some backwoods p.


This was how the Saiyan raded, huh?


"Over here! Those guys are gone now, so it's safe!" said a feminine voice from the distance.


"Oh no!" said a man from the same dire.


"You see that?! A bloke yin' over there! He musta been caught in that crash!"


"Let's hurry!"


Goku closed his eyes, allowing himself to rex as well as he could have in his dition after sensing no malice from the pair that approach him.


"Aw man, this guy's been through it, alright," the girl said, her breath now h directly oku's face.


"But would ya look at that – he's actually breathin'!"


"Well, I'll be damned," the man replied.


Goku's eyes stirred open, startling the pair.


If he didn't know for certain he was on another p, he might have thought they were humans; on his left was a woman who looked no different from 如果他不确定自己身处另一个星球,他可能会认为他们是人类;在他左边的是一个看起来与人类没有任何区别的女人。

Chi-Chi, although with brown hair braided into pigtails and freckles all over her face.


o her, an ordinary but bulky fellow with short red hair and a thick mustache.


They both wore fnnel-rich outfits like a couple of lumberjacks and their voices carried a heavy at simir to Jeid Arepa's.


"Easy there, fel," the man said.


"Then again, you shouldn't even be awake, so what do I know!"


"Wh-Who are you two…?" Goku wheezed.


"My name's Begal," the man answered before lifting Goku into a seated position.


"And I'm Croissant," the woman said, applying a rag to his litany of wounds.


"We're just happy to see somebody turn up here that ain't one of these Cold Force assholes.


"They've attacked you guys?" Goku asked, fog on the bandages Croissant applied to the nasty gash on his arm.


"Atta' is puttin' it lightly," Begal replied with a heavy stare.


"We're among the few folks left.

Ever sihey showed up with that huge star, they've been su' the p dry, ensvin' the strong folks, and killin' everyone else.


Goku looked above Begal's shoulders and found a massive, silver structure looming far in the distance.


Such a camity would have been impossible to miss from the inside of his ship, but he had been so focused, his eyes hadn't eveured beyond the trol panel aal walls.


"Aw, man," Goku said.


"Let's hurry a you to our celr," Begal said, sliding his hand around Goku's arm and lifting him up to his feet.


After Croissant did the same, they rushed away from the wreckage aually reached a forest, though it had been closer to a wastend.


The trunks of the trees were dull in color and looked more like elderly, withered limbs and bore a few autumn leaves.


They finally stopped ohey reached a field of drab, brown grass.


Croissa down, dug his hand through the bdes, and pushed what at least appeared to be a pebble in Goku's eyes.


But then, a voice rang from it.




"Arepa!" yelled Croissant, lighting up Goku's bleary face.


A patch of grass slid bad gave way to a square-shaped tunnel.


"Arepa?" Goku echoed.


"It's the name of a precious diamond on this p," Croissant expined as she led Goku down a stairway ihe tunnel.


"These bastards wouldn't know it if it bit 'em on the arse."


The light from the outside faded away as the covert door slid shut.


Briefly, Goku's entire visio pitch bck while he traveled dowaircase until the lights flipped on and unveiled a living room lined with brown, wooden walls and a small kit.


Croissant id Goku down on a blue coud grabbed a cushion from the coffee table sitting across, pg it under Goku's feet to prop them up.


"I appreciate the help…" Goku said, trying and failing to nudge himself up.

"I appreciate the help…"悟空说着,试图挣扎着坐起来,但未能成功。

"But I've got…" he stopped and wi the stinging pain attag his ribs.

"But I've got…"他停下来,对袭击他肋骨的刺痛感到痛苦。

"I've gotta get out there and fight those guys."


"So you came here pit' a fight with Cooler and his men?" Begal asked from the kit, digging through the ets.


"Good luck, in that dition."


"I help you a lil', but it'll be a while 'fore you're in any kinda fightin' shape," Croissant informed, stepping beside Begal i.


She impatiently pnted her hands on her hips while he rummaged the et.


"What?" Begal asked, a pte tucked in his while he held a bag of bread in one hand and a jar iher.


"I'm tryin' to help this fel and you're too busy tryin' to help your bloody stomach, that's what!" she yelled before shoving him out the way ao the top of the shelf.


"I was gonhat, too!" Begal whined as he set all of his perti items down oer.


Goku chuckled, thinking of his daily bad-forths with Chi-Chi.


When Croissant stepped away from the et, however, Goku's smile leaped from his face.


In her hand wasn't a jar or a loaf of bread (that he suddenly had a massive craving for after learning their names), but a needle.


Shrieking like a toddler, Goku sat up from the coud instantly regretted it, flopping bato the plush cushion with hisses of pain.


"Oh no," Goku whined.


"Anything but a needle!"


Croissant rolled her eyes and shook her head.


"You survive a fiery spaceship crash and a whole assault of bsts, but the needle's too much.

Yeah, okay.



"Isn't there any other way?" Goku desperately pleaded.


"I mean, this is the best ya got as far as instas," Croissant said.


"It won't heal ya by any means but it'll at least numb the pain enough that you walk, and it kicks in instantly.


Goku groaned, unwilling to cede tic, however sound a may have been.


"I'll tell ya what, I cook up a soup that might do the trick," Croissant said, turning back to the kit.


As Goku watched her turn around, a bitiion poked his chest worse than any needle could have.


His fear of the needle was irrational, an artifact of his childhood.


Whatever the sight of a needle put him through was miniscule pared to what Gohan must have felt thousands of miles away.


He firmly flexed his jaw.


"Fet about it," Goku said.


"I'll take the shot, if it'll work.


"Alrighty then," Croissant said, spinning back around.


The closer she got, the more the sharp end of the needle sparkled in Goku's vision, spiking his blood pressure with every step she took.


Wheopped in front of him a down on one knee, he instinctively flinched.


"Oh, be a man!"


Goku squeezed his eyes shut, thinking only of food and not the sharp object of death h over his arm.


Yes, food – delicious steaks, barbecue ribs, swordfish and their sharp, needle-like noses, shish kabob, the khat cut the food…


A sharp sensation struck Goku's arm and made him scream at the top of his lungs. "一股剧痛袭击着孙悟空的手臂,他痛得尖叫起来。"

It was awful, it was maddening, it was – "那真是太可怕了,太疯狂了,太 -"

"Huh?" Goku suddenly hummed, looking at his arm in bewilderment. "嗯?"孙悟空突然发出一声哼唱,迷惑地看着自己的手臂。

"That was it? It didn't even hurt!" "就这样?甚至一点都不痛!"

"Um yeah, that's usually how needles go." "嗯,是的,针扎通常都是这样的。"

Goku tapped the spot Croissant had pricked, and aside from a persistent sting, it really hadn't been that bad. 孙悟空轻轻敲了敲克鲁森刺痛的地方,除了一丝持续的刺痛外,实际上并不那么糟糕。

Most importantly, Goku could feel his limbs again, hastily getting up from the couch with his feet turowards the staircase. 最重要的是,孙悟空又能感觉到自己的四肢,他匆忙从沙发上站起来,脚朝着楼梯走去。

"Thanks, folks, but I've gotta head out!" "谢谢你们,但我得出发了!"

"Wait wait wait wait wait," Croissant huffed. "等等,等等,等等,等等,等等,"克鲁森喘着气说道。

"Did you not listen to a word I said? All that did was numb the pain. You try to fight those guys and you'll still crumble to itty-bitty pieces." "你是不是一句话都没听进去?那只是麻痹了疼痛而已。你要是试着与那些家伙战斗,你还是会支离破碎的。"

Goku observed his arms. It was true; a Senzu bean it was not, as his body still ached all over. Oher hand, a little soreness was nothing. 孙悟空观察着自己的手臂。没错,这并不像是仙豆的效果,他的全身仍然隐隐作痛。另一方面,一点点酸痛算不了什么。

"That's fine. If I walk, I fight." "没关系。只要我能行走,我就能战斗。"

"Bloody hell, listen!" Croissant shouted. "该死,听着!"克鲁森喊道。
