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香蕉文学网 > 离开悟空后,悟饭无敌 > 第14章 决战14

第14章 决战14(1/1)

Gohan looked up at him. His expression was as stoic as ever, but beh it, Gohan could sense a ess. Their time in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber hadn't just been helpful for the Saiyan. 悟饭抬头看着他。 他的表情一如既往地冷静,但在其下面,悟饭能感觉到一种平静。 他们在时之房间度过的时光不仅对赛亚人有帮助。

"Right. " “没错。”

They both flew down, leaving the Lookout and the chamber behind. They flew in separate dires, her a thank you noodbye necessary. 他们一起飞下来,把神殿和房间都留在身后。 他们朝着不同的方向飞去,不需要道别或道谢。

Vegeta was at hour nine of his training session, floating in the middle of the ship while small, floating bots surrounded him on every side, boung a ball of his own Ki bad forth. Bruises littered his body, yet he showed no sign of pain. After eating the Senzu bean, he nearly felt like airely new person. If Captain Ginyu dared show his fa Earth, his head would have been crushed beh Vegeta's boot without a doubt. 贝吉塔正在进行他的训练,已经过了九个小时,他漂浮在飞船的中间,四周有小型飞行机器人围绕着他,将他自己的气球来回弹跳。 他的身上布满了伤痕,但他没有表现出疼痛的迹象。 吃了仙豆后,他几乎感觉自己像一个全新的人。 如果吉尼乌船长敢在地球上现身,他的头颅毫无疑问会被贝吉塔的靴子踩碎。

After hours of relentless motion, his body had adjusted to 70 G's and allowed him to expertly dodge the rapidly moving Ki. His unspoken reason foing so relentlessly was to get his mind off of his kiss with Bulma the night earlier. What was there to think about, anyway? It had been nothing more than a temporary moment of weakhat he would correct. 经过数小时的不懈运动,他的身体已经适应了70个重力,并使他能够熟练地躲避迅速移动的气。 他无声地坚持下去的原因是为了让自己不再想着前一晚与布尔玛的吻。 反正也没什么好想的,那只不过是一个短暂的软弱时刻,他会纠正过来的。

Sure, in that moment with the emptiness of his life, he very well may have needed someoo pull him out of the void. And the feeling of her lips pressed against his may or may not have been intoxig. But it meant nothing. It should have had ing p Vegeta's head. 当他面对生活的空虚时,他很可能需要有人将他从虚无中拯救出来。 她的嘴唇贴在他嘴上的感觉可能令人陶醉,也可能没有。 但这一切毫无意义。 它不应该在贝吉塔的脑海中停留。

Suddenly, the light that had been peeking into the ship through the windows evaporated all at once. Such a sudden shift disrupted Vegeta's focus, earning him a clipping onto his shoulder from the bst that knocked him down. He just barely rolled out of the way when it crashed into the floor. Once he got back up, he looked outside in search of what had caused the sudden nightfall. A strange feeling traveled through the atmosphere, like a mystical energy lurking in the clouds. 突然,透过窗户照进飞船的光线一下子消失了。 如此突然的变化打乱了贝吉塔的注意力,他的肩膀被爆炸击中,将他击倒在地。 他勉强躲开了它坠落地面的位置。 站起来后,他望向外面,寻找引起突然黑夜的原因。 一种奇怪的感觉在大气中传播,就像神秘的能量潜伏在云中。

Was it a storm? A cataclysm? Or... . . aensely stood up, his muscles tightened as his mind traced back to Frieza. The tyrant carried a strong presence just by existing – this could very well have been a sign that he was close. 是暴风雨吗?灾难?还是…… . . 一种预兆?贝吉塔紧张地站了起来,他的肌肉绷紧,心思回溯到弗利萨身上。 暴君的存在本身就带有一种强烈的存在感——这很可能是他附近的一个迹象。

Not now, Vegeta thought. He may have grown siderably stronger, but he wasn't anywhere near ready for Frieza. And as much as he felt Gohan had a good shot, his pride would not stand for a boy finishing his job. 现在不行,贝吉塔想道。 他的实力可能已经大大增强,但他还远未准备好应对弗利萨。 尽管他认为悟饭有很大的机会,但他的自尊心无法接受一个小孩完成他的工作。

A rush of Ki signatures hit Vegeta all at once. 一股气息的浪潮一下子袭击了贝吉塔。

All his senses o, Vegeta burst through the ship's door, expeg a bunch of space pods to rip through the atmosphere at any sed. His eyes were glued to the sky as nervous tremors crawled up and down his body. This was it. This was... 全身警觉,贝吉塔冲破飞船的门,期待着一群太空舱随时会穿过大气层。 他的眼睛紧盯着天空,紧张的颤动在他的身体上爬上爬下。 就是现在。 就是……

"What in the world?!" he heard somebody yell. “到底发生了什么?!”他听到有人大喊。

Vegeta looked to the side and gasped at the se capturing the street – hundreds of bodies surrounded all parts of the streets. Giveion, with cars ing to skids and waves of fused faces, they hadn't been there even a minute ago. fusion arched Vegeta's eyebrow. 贝吉塔看向一边,在捕捉到街道的画面上倒吸了一口气——数百具尸体围绕着街道的各个部分。 骚动中,汽车打滑、困惑的脸孔一片,他们一分钟前甚至都不在那里。 贝吉塔的眉毛挑起了困惑。

The sky cleared back up, rest the sun's rays and the bright blue to the Earth's atmosphere. Seeking answers – and a reprieve from all of the screaming and honking horns – Vegeta flew into his makeshift Capsule Corp entrance, Bulma's baly. Sihe door was still busted, he wouldn't have to deal with her screeg. He headed to the stairs, going where he sehe heiress' presence. 天空重新恢复晴朗,恢复了阳光的光芒和地球大气层的明亮蓝色。 为了寻找答案——并且寻求摆脱所有尖叫和喇叭鸣叫的喘息——贝吉塔飞到了他的临时科 Capsule Corp 的入口,也就是布尔玛的阳台。 由于门仍然坏了,他不必去应付她的尖叫。 他朝着楼梯走去,朝着他感觉到女继承人的存在的方向。

During his trek down, another door swung in front of him and would have made him slip if not for his strong reflexes. The mercurial prince squeezed his fists and growled, ready to unleash hell on whoever had the audacity to nearly knock him over. When the door closed, however, and revealed the identity of the guest, Vegeta could only gasp in surprise. 在他下楼的过程中,另一扇门在他面前摇摆,如果不是他反应敏捷,他可能会滑倒。 多变的王子握紧了拳头,咆哮着,准备给那个几乎将他撞倒的人以地狱般的惩罚。 然而,当门关闭,并揭示出客人的身份时,贝吉塔只能惊讶地倒抽一口气。

"It's you... . . the other Saiyan," the man said. With his bck, shoulder-length hair and uling blue eyes, along with a bck shirt with a hole torn into the torso, he could have only been the cyb that Gohan had killed in his mani. Lapis. “是你…… . . 另一个赛亚人,”那个男人说道。 他黑色的肩长发和让人不安的蓝色眼睛,以及黑色衬衫上被撕开的洞,只能是悟饭在狂乱状态下杀死的那个机械人。 拉皮斯。

Vegeta breathed easily. That was it. Gohan had pleted his mission. Good for him. 贝吉塔轻松地呼吸着。 就是这样。 悟饭完成了他的任务。 真棒。

Lapis held his palms out while staring up and down his body, just trying to verify his presen the living world. 拉皮斯伸出双掌,同时上下打量自己的身体,只是试图验证他在活着的世界中的存在。

"I really am alive again, huh?" he said. "Where's Gohan?" “我真的又活过来了,是吗?”他说道。 “悟饭在哪里?”

"Not here," Vegeta replied, his eyes narrowed slightly in warning just in case Lapis had hard feelings. “不在这里,”贝吉塔回答道,他微微眯起眼睛,以防拉皮斯心怀不满。

The newly revived man turned around, rushing downstairs while Vegeta followed. 刚刚复活的男人转身冲下楼去,贝吉塔紧随其后。

When they reached the lobby, Bulma's mother was folding a few clothes on a table. 当他们到达大厅时,布尔玛的母亲正在一张桌子上折叠几件衣服。

"Hello, boys!" she said with a smile, though she quickly gasped once she realized the other man's identity. Not that he aowledged her, as Lapis headed straight for the exit. “你们好,孩子们!”她笑着说道,但她一旦意识到另一个男人的身份,她迅速倒抽一口气。 不过他并没有理会她,拉皮斯径直向出口走去。

"Wasn't that one who died?" she asked, looking over her shoulder. "Ah, that's why the sky went dark, then! It's always either an eclipse or another crazy wish from Bluma!" “那不是已经死了的那个人吗?”她问道,扭头望着后方。 “啊,那就是天空变暗的原因了!要么是日食,要么是布尔玛又有了另一个疯狂的愿望!”

The blonde woman suddenly spped her mouth, her eyes actually opening in dismay. Vegeta squinted in fusion, not just from the sho her face, but the name she had just said. 金发女人突然捂住嘴巴,她的眼睛实际上因为惊愕而睁大了。 贝吉塔因为她脸上的震惊和她刚才说的名字感到困惑。

"Pretend I didn't say that name!" she pleaded with a ugh. “假装我没有说那个名字!”她笑着请求道。

"Wha. . . ?" Vegeta asked, curious fod knew what reason. “什么……?”贝吉塔问道,他对上帝知道的什么原因感到好奇。

After cheg the hallway, she leaowards Vegeta and grabbed his shoulder, one finger raised to advise silence. 在检查过走廊后,她靠近贝吉塔,抓住他的肩膀,一根手指竖起,示意保持安静。

"Bluma is my daughter's real name," she whispered. "She hacked the system and flipped the letters around after she got ughed at in pre-school and we just py along so she doesn't tear the whole building down. " “布尔玛是我女儿的真名,”她低声说道。 “她在上学前被人取笑后,黑客入侵了系统,将字母顺序颠倒,我们只是配合她,以免她拆毁整座建筑物。”

Vegeta's eyes went wide with what he could only describe as mischievous glee. His joke had actually been correct, huh? 贝吉塔的眼睛睁得大大的,带着一种只能用恶作剧的快乐来形容。 他的笑话居然是对的,是吗?

"Iing... " “有趣……”

As Bluma...um, Bulma wrote down some notes in her b and wiped off an oil stain on her pink tank-top, the TV she had on as background noise received an interruption. 当布尔玛在实验室里记录一些笔记,擦去粉色背心上的油渍时,她旁边的电视机突然中断了作为背景噪音的播放。

"Breaking News! It's chaos ireets, as both East a City have seen droves of people appear seemingly out of thin air ireets and all over the buildings still under restru. These people are believed to be the ones killed iacks on both cities from st month. “突发新闻!街头一片混乱,东城和西城都出现了大量人群,他们似乎凭空出现在街上和正在重建中的建筑物上。 据信,这些人是上个月袭击这两个城市时遇害的人。”

Bulma stopped what she was doing to look at the s. Cooped up in her b, she hadn't even seen any ges in the sky. She smiled brightly - it looked like the worst of the madness had passed at st. Well, in the case of those revived and their families, the madness was about to begin. 布尔玛停下手中的工作,看着屏幕。 她关在实验室里,甚至没有看到天空有任何变化。 她开心地微笑——看起来最糟糕的疯狂终于过去了。 嗯,在那些复活的人及其家人的情况下,疯狂即将开始。

"And it's not just the city, either. We've gotten a hold of Paul Bearer, owner of the West City funeral home, and there's some otiohere, too. What's going on, Paul?" “而且不仅仅是城市。 我们已经联系到西城殡仪馆的老板保罗·贝尔,那里也有些骚动。 保罗,发生了什么?”

"Yeah, so I'm out there mowin' the wn and all of a sudden at the cemetery a whole buncha people just poofed up outta nowhere at their own graves!" Said aric, high-pitched voice. "And while we're on the subject, I'd like to reiterate to all families that there are NO REFUNDS, NO EXCEPTIONS!" “是的,所以我在外面割草,突然在墓地,一大群人就突然从他们自己的墓地上凭空出现!”一个古怪的、尖锐的声音说道。 “顺便说一下,我想再次强调给所有家庭,没有退款,没有例外!”

Bulma looked away from the TV, rolling her eyes with a ugh. She never did think about the chaos that could ensue fring back a bunch of people unfamiliar with the Dragon Balls. 布尔玛从电视上移开视线,笑着翻了个白眼。 她从来没有想过,通过让一群不熟悉龙珠的人复活,可能会引发混乱。

A knock came from the other side of the door. Absent-mindedly, Bulma grabbed a remote at the end of her desk and pushed a button to slide the door open. 门的另一边传来一声敲门声。 布尔玛心不在焉地拿起桌子末端的遥控器,按下一个按钮,门滑开了。

"Bulma?" “布尔玛?”

Reizing that voice, Bulma gasped and turned around. Upon seeing Lapis, she jumped up, spriowards him, and snagged him into a big hug. 认出那个声音,布尔玛倒抽一口气,转身看去。 看到拉皮斯,她跳了起来,向他冲过去,紧紧地抱住他。

"You're back!" Bulma yelled. "Yes, I know, I'm a hugger, just e until it's over. “你回来了!”布尔玛大喊道。 “是的,我知道,我是一个喜欢拥抱的人,忍耐一下,等抱完就好了。”

"It's fine," Lapis said with a ugh as Bulma backed away. She grimaced at the hole in his shirt, even though there was no sign of any violenflicted on him. “没事的,”拉皮斯笑着说道,布尔玛退开了几步。 她对他衬衫上的洞做了个鬼脸,尽管没有任何暴力的痕迹。

"Were you looking fohan, maybe?" Bulma asked, her growing. "I won't speak for him bu-" “你是在找悟饭吗?也许?”布尔玛问道,她的关切在增加。 “我不会替他说话,但是……”

"You don't have to," Lapis replied. "I'm assuming he wished me back, too?" “不用了,”拉皮斯回答道。 “我猜他也许把我复活了?”

Bulma nodded. Lapis left without saying anything else, leaving Bulma to wonder what may have been going through his head. Even if Gohan had been out of trol, it must have still been unfortable dealing with the guy who killed him. She would leave it for them to sort out. 布尔玛点了点头。 拉皮斯没有再说什么,离开了,让布尔玛想知道他的头脑中可能在想些什么。 即使悟饭失去了控制,与杀了他的人打交道肯定也是令人不舒服的。 她将让他们自己解决。

After a few moments of tinued aking, a ehe doorway. When she saw the shadow of the fme-like hair, she held her breath. 在继续记录了几分钟后,又有一个客人走进门口。 当她看到那把火焰般的头发的影子时,她屏住了呼吸。

"Hey…Vegeta…" she mumbled. They hadn't spoken sihe...i. Hell, at breakfast they had actively avoided each other, Vegeta just filling a pte and rushing to the gravity room. “嘿……贝吉塔……”她咕哝着。 自那次事件以来,他们没有说过话。 见鬼,早餐时他们还刻意回避对方,贝吉塔只是填了一个盘子然后匆匆赶去了重力室。

"You and your father call those tin-s bots?" Vegeta asked. When Bulma looked up, she noticed he had been avoidiact with her. "Shoddy work. I need more. " “你和你父亲把那些锡罐叫做机器人?”贝吉塔问道。 布尔玛抬头看着他,注意到他一直避免与她进行眼神交流。 “做得很糟糕。 我需要更多。”

Funny – even though she was avoiding the subject herself, she still sizzled with rese seeia like this. "Really, Vegeta? A day after that and you e to me with this?" 有趣的是——尽管她自己在回避这个话题,但看到贝吉塔这样,她仍然充满了怨恨之情。 “真的,贝吉塔?发生了那么一件事,你隔天就来找我?”

Vegeta narrowed his eyes in irritation. "A day after what, exactly? Another one of your many crude sexual advances?" 贝吉塔烦躁地眯起眼睛。 “什么意思,隔天之后?又是你的许多粗鄙性进攻之一吗?”

Full hteous indignation, Bulma hopped out of her seat with red in her cheeks. The nerve! "Excuse me? You think that was me just being little miss grab-ass?" 满腔义愤填膺,布尔玛从座位上跳了起来,脸颊通红。 真是岂有此理!“对不起?你以为那只是我撒娇作态?”

"Obviously," Vegeta snorted, driving Bulma further up the wall. The vulnerable, emotional man she had seen the night before had left the premises, the usual hostile Saiyan prince ba a. "But if yoing to be loud and hormonal, I'll seek out your father. " “显然,”贝吉塔哼了一声,让布尔玛更加恼火。 她在前一天晚上见到的那个脆弱、情绪化的男人已经消失了,取而代之的是通常的敌对赛亚人王子。 “但是如果你要吵吵闹闹的,我会去找你父亲。”

Vegeta turned around, but Bulma tailgated him, loathe to let him ignore whatever was going oweewo. "Don't just ignore me, jackass! You and I both know that was real. I actually felt something about you of all people. " 贝吉塔转身,但布尔玛尾随其后,不愿让他忽视两人之间正在发生的任何事情。 “别对我视而不见,混蛋!你和我都知道那是真实的。 我对你这个人实际上有所感触。”

"How is that my problem?" “那跟我有什么关系?”

His aloof disregard ignited all of the petty fmes out of the aqua-haired heiress. "Don't act like that wasn't one of the best moments of your life. " 他的冷漠无视激起了那位碧绿头发女继承人的所有小小的怨火。 “别装得好像那不是你一生中最美好的时刻之一。”

Bulma took a moment to gather herself. Though she was still angry, she supposed she was being childishly aggressive, probably proving his assessment of her. She decided to take a step bad let him leave, folding her arms with a huff. 布尔玛花了一会儿时间来恢复自己。 尽管她还在生气,但她想她可能是在幼稚地挑衅,很可能证明了他对她的评价。 她决定退一步,让他离开,双臂抱在胸前,嘟囔着。

Not without getting i barb, of course. "Hmph. More like Vir-geta. " 当然,她不会放过最后一次嘲弄的机会。 “哼。 更像是Vir-geta(失败的Vegeta)。”

Vegeta froze, and Bulma anxiously pursed her lips. She wasn't sure if he was about to shout at her, or if that was just the tiny little tap that finally triggered his volic, murdere. Oh God, why had she decided to joke about his sexual prowess? A shuy like him, that robably the perfesecurity trigger. 贝吉塔僵住了,布尔玛焦急地咬紧嘴唇。 她不确定他是要对她大喊大叫,还是这只是最后一根稻草,最终引发了他的火山般的杀气。 哦,天哪,她为什么决定开玩笑说他的性能力?像他这样的个子矮小的人,那可能是最容易引发不安全感的话题。

To her shock, he turned around with a devious smirk that made her knees crumble…and not out of fear. "Well, you would know a thing or two about niames, Bluma. " 令她震惊的是,他转过身来,带着邪恶的笑容,使她的双腿变得软弱无力……并不是因为害怕。 “嗯,关于绰号,你应该知道一两件事情,布尔玛。”

Bulma's entire nervous system shut down for one horrible, horrible sed. Had he just said what she thought he said? Judging from his satisfied snicker before he walked off, he very much had. 布尔玛的整个神经系统在糟糕的一秒钟内瘫痪了。 他刚才说的是她想到的那个吗?从他离开前得意的窃笑来看,他确实是这样说的。

With speed she shouldn't have been capable of, she ran aroua and stood firmly in front of him, blog his path to the door. The gre on her face had seo many a Capsule Corp employee -brained martial artist over the years. A, Vegeta was still smirking; hell, he hadn't even expressed annoyance over her impedance. 以她本不可能具备的速度,她绕过贝吉塔,站在他面前,挡住他去门口的路。 多年来,她脸上的怒视让许多帕莱斯工业员工或者那些脑袋发懵的武术家感到恐惧。 然而,贝吉塔依然在傻笑;见鬼,他甚至没有表达出对她阻挡的不满。

"Who the fuck told you that name?" “到底是谁告诉你那个名字的?”

"It's not important," Vegeta replied, unfazed by her low, threatening voice. His eyebrow curled provocatively. "But it is your real name, right?" “这不重要,”贝吉塔回答道,对她低沉、威胁的声音毫不在意。 他挑逗地挑起眉毛。 “但那是你的真名,对吗?”

"My mom, wasn't it?!" Bulma swung her fists down in adolest rage. "I'm gonna fug kill her!" “是我妈妈告诉你的,不是吗?!”布尔玛愤怒地挥舞着拳头。 “我他妈要杀了她!”

"Do that, would you? Would save me a few headaches. " “那你去做吧,好吗?这样我就能少操些心了。”

Vegeta brushed past her, heading for the door as if she wasn't even there. Bulma decided to take her mind off of him and assess those stupid bots. She flipped her television s to the gravity room camera. What she saw made her blow a gasket. 贝吉塔擦肩而过,向门口走去,好像她根本不存在一样。 布尔玛决定不再想他,评估那些愚蠢的机器人。 她将电视屏幕切换到重力房的摄像头。 她看到的东西让她大发雷霆。

"Hey! Asshole!" “喂!混蛋!”

Surprisingly – or fittingly, really – Vegeta respoo that and turned right back around. 令人惊讶的是,或者说实际上是恰如其分的,贝吉塔对此做出了回应,转身回头。

"What are you screeg about now, Bluma?" “你现在又在尖叫什么,布尔玛?”

Bulma dug her nails into her palms. Of course he would start saying her side of his most vulnerable moments when he just iss her off. Not that it was her name, of course. She hadn't just hacked West City's directory when she was four, flipped the letters around, and expected everyoo fall in line because she was rio, sir. But if he kept getting riling her up, he would win. She pulled away from the s and shot her molte the prince. 布尔玛把指甲掐进了手掌。 他当然会开始在她最脆弱的时刻之外称呼她的名字,只是为了惹她生气。 当然,那并不是她的名字。 她不只是在四岁时黑入了西都的目录,颠倒了字母顺序,期望每个人都得按照她的意愿行事,因为她很有钱。 不,先生。 但是,如果他继续激怒她,他会得逞。 她离开了屏幕,用熔岩般的眼神盯着王子。

"Those bots are perfectly fine. What hell are you even pining about?" “那些机器人完好无损。 你到底在抱怨什么?”

Vegeta scoffed with a dull chagrin. "I never once said they were broken. I said they were shoddy. Substandard. Not a challenge. 贝吉塔带着平淡的失望嗤笑。 “我从未说过它们坏了。 我说的是它们做得糟糕。 次标准。 毫无挑战性。”

Though I guess I shouldn't have expected much from the house of underwear. 虽然我猜我不应该对内衣公司期望太高。

Bulma's teeth started bristling bad forth against her bottom lip, trying to tain the nuclear fmes bzing inside of her. Vegeta was frustrating enough when he ining. But when he was smug and in his element? She wished she had superpowers of her own. 布尔玛的牙齿在她的下唇上来回摩擦,试图控制她内心的核心火焰。 贝吉塔在抱怨时已经令人沮丧。 但当他得意洋洋,处于自己的领域时?她希望自己也有超能力。

"Was all this just so you fuck with me about my name?!" Vegeta's smile didly deny it. And that was just fine. "Well, I'll show you petty!" “这一切都只是为了拿我开心,拿我的名字开玩笑吗?!”贝吉塔的微笑并没有完全否认。 而这也无所谓。 “好吧,我会让你见识我的琐碎!”

Bulma opened up her ptop, clicked on a program, and typed in a code. "Good luck getting your stupid little gravity simutor to work, Prince Badman! It's all locked up!" 布尔玛打开笔记本电脑,点击一个程序,输入了一段代码。 “祝你好运,让你那个愚蠢的小重力模拟器工作吧,坏王子!它被锁住了!”

The humor left Vegeta's face as he gred in warning. "Don't interfere with my training, wench. " 贝吉塔的脸上的笑容消失了,他恶狠狠地瞪着警告。 “别干扰我的训练,贱人。”

"I thought reement was you wouldn't keep disrespeg me," Bulma seethed, now growing genuinely annoyed. “我以为我们的协议是你不会继续不尊重我,”布尔玛怒气冲冲地说道,她现在真正生气了。

Vegeta flippantly tilted his head. "I didn't agree to shit, woman. You just threw yourself on me. " 贝吉塔漫不经心地歪着头。 “我没同意什么屁事,女人。 是你自己扑上来的。”


"I 't believe I put my lips," Bulma curled them ba revulsion, "On su insecure, maltent, narcissistic little troll like you." “我简直不敢相信我把嘴唇亲到,”布尔玛厌恶地撇着嘴,“这样一个自卑、不满、自恋的小妖精。”

"Says a lot about you, don't you think?!" At her insults, Vegeta had bee equally insed. "Fitting, that your namesake is a pair of undergarments. Exactly what I would call a sweaty, used-up rag of filth. “这样说很多关于你自己,你不觉得吗?!”受到她的侮辱,贝吉塔也同样愤怒起来。 “很适合,你的同名就是一副内衣。 简直就是一个汗湿的、用过的肮脏破布。”

That finally did it. Bulma, Bluma, whatever the hell she was called, fot who she was and whom she was dealing with, and stormed after Vegeta like a raging bull as he walked away. She swung for the fences with all of her might, but it was all for naught, because Vegeta was ba peak dition and turned around before her hand even came down. Faster than her eyes could see, he caught her hand. 那最终成功了。 布尔玛、布鲁玛,她被叫什么都不重要了,忘记了自己是谁,也忘记了她在和谁交涉,像一头发狂的公牛一样冲向远去的贝吉塔。 她全力挥舞,但一切都是徒劳的,因为贝吉塔已经恢复巅峰状态,甚至在她的手落下之前就转身回来了。 比她的眼睛能看到的更快,他接住了她的手。

As they fumed with rage so fervently they were heaving with crimson faces, Bulma's red-hot blue eyes met Vegeta's white-hot bck eyes. Their bodies were pressed up against each yrating rhythmically as they tried and failed to catch their breath. Their gazes didn't wither, aher did the Saiyan prince's grip on the heiress' wrist. 当他们怒气冲冲、脸红如血时,布尔玛灼热的蓝眼睛与贝吉塔灼热的黑眼睛相遇。 他们的身体紧贴在一起,有节奏地扭动,试图却未能喘过气来。 他们的目光没有褪去,赛亚王子对继承人手腕的控制也没有松懈。

Bulma's eyes lio Vegeta's scarred, bare chest. Vegeta's eyes lio hers, held only by her tank top. When his eyes traveled back to her ravenous, animalistiarl, his trol broke. That bloodthirsty stare triggered a calling deep within his Saiyan blood. 布尔玛的目光停留在贝吉塔那带伤疤的裸露胸膛上。 贝吉塔的目光停留在她的身上,仅被她的背心所遮挡。 当他的目光再次移向她贪婪、野兽般的咆哮时,他的控制力破裂了。 那嗜血的凝视激发了他赛亚人血脉中深处的呼唤。

Before she could even grab his arm and do it herself, Vegeta pulled her lips into his in a sloppy, almost savage kiss. 她甚至来不及抓住他的胳膊自己做这件事,贝吉塔就把她的嘴唇拉进他的嘴里,一个粗糙、几乎野蛮的吻。

She stooped to his level, wrestliongue against his like she was fighting for real estate in his mouth while he hooked her leg and shoved her onto her desk. 她低头配合他,舌头与他争斗,就像在他的嘴里为争夺土地而战斗一样,而他则挂住她的腿,把她推到办公桌上。

Somehow, she had the presenind to grab her remote and shut the door. 不知怎么的,她还有心情拿起遥控器关上了门。

Gohan flew not to Capsule Corp, but his father's Ki signature. He had an idea foku aa that robably easier to sell the former on first ahe tter on board through his ego. His flight brought him to mountains way off iicks. The more he flew, the more vivid memories resurfaced from the sights. On his bottht, a ge that his father liked to recklessly swim through to show off. Right beside it, a tree that Gohan had onehow crawled to the top of; his mother practically had a heart attack even though Goku just hopped up a him down. 孙悟空飞向的地方不是胶囊公司,而是他父亲的气息。 他对孙悟空和贝吉塔有一个想法,可能首先很容易说服前者,然后通过贝吉塔的自负来说服后者。 他的飞行将他带到了远离人烟的山脉。 他飞得越远,记忆就越清晰地浮现在眼前。 在他的右下方,有一个峡谷,他的父亲喜欢在里面胡乱游泳以炫耀。 就在峡谷旁边,有一棵孙悟空曾经奇迹般爬到顶端的树;他的母亲几乎心脏病发作,尽管孙悟空只是轻轻跃起并将他放下。

He wasn't heading to any old spot. Gohan was heading home. 他不是去任何一个旧地方。 孙悟空在回家的路上。

The memories grew the stro wheopped over a small, peach-colored dome. It had been effectively ten years since he st saw that structure, a felt like just yesterday. That house used to be his safe haven as a toddler afraid of the world, and the momeepped away from it, everythio hell. Maybe it o happen like that. 记忆最为深刻的是当他停在一个小巧、桃色的圆顶建筑上时。 自从他最后一次看到那个建筑已经过去了实际上十年了,但感觉就像昨天一样。 那所房子曾经是他作为一个害怕这个世界的蹒跚学步儿童的避风港,而当他离开它的那一刻,一切都变得一团糟。 也许事情需要像这样发生。

As he floated down, the man he had been looking for came out of the small facility behind the house with a smile on his face. 当他悬浮下来时,他一直在找寻的那个人从房子后面的小设施中走出来,脸上带着微笑。

"Ah, Gohan! I thought I sensed you!" Goku called. "Finally got all the Dragon Balls, huh?" “啊,悟饭!我感觉到你了!”孙悟空喊道。 “终于收集到所有的龙珠了,对吧?”

Gohan nodded and dropped down. When he nded, Goku blinked in surprise. "Whoa, a little taller there! So you did use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Piccolo, then." 悟饭点点头,然后降落下来。 当他落地时,孙悟空吃惊地眨了眨眼睛。 “哇,长高了不少啊!那你果然和比克洛一起使用了超时空训练室。”

"You knew about that?" Gohan asked. “你知道那个吗?”悟饭问道。

"Yup." “嗯。”

"And you haven't thought to use it?" “你没想过使用它吗?”

"I mean, you were in there, so you know how bad it is," Goku said with a shrug. "I was ye when I first used it, but I wasn't anywhere close to as strong as you. Couldn't even st a couple weeks. And even now, I think I'd go crazy in that pce if it was just me." “我的意思是,你在里面待过,所以你知道它有多糟糕,”孙悟空耸了耸肩说道。 “我在你这个年纪时第一次使用它,但我离你那么强还差得远。 甚至都坚持不了几个星期。 就算现在,如果只有我一个人在那个地方,我想我会发疯的。”

"What if it wasn't just you?" “如果不只是你呢?”

"Huh? You wanna go another year in there but with me?" “啊?你想和我一起再待一年吗?”

"No, not me," Gohan replied, shaking his head. "You aa." “不是和我一起,”悟饭摇摇头回答道。 “你和贝吉塔。”

As Gohan expected, Goku's eyes widened, weary to such a proposal. He pced one fist on his hip as he tried thinking it over. "Man, I dunno. It makes sense, but there's a lotta hard feelings 'tweeh of us. I'd probably be up for it, but I doubt he'd be." 正如悟饭所预料的,孙悟空的眼睛睁得大大的,对这个提议表示怀疑。 他双手叉腰思考着。 “哎呀,我不知道。 这个主意有道理,但我们之间有太多的芥蒂。 我可能会同意,但我怀疑他会不会愿意。”

The fact that Goku was still eveo the idea of training with someone who he no doubt bmed fohan's troubles showed what kind of person he was. Even now, Gohan couldn't his head around how easily he brushed off ive thoughts without seeming repressed and votile like Vegeta. 孙悟空仍然对与那个他无疑会责怪为悟饭麻烦的人一起训练的想法持开放态度,这表明了他是什么样的人。 即使在现在,悟饭也无法理解他是如何轻易地摆脱消极的思想而不显得压抑和易怒,就像贝吉塔一样。

"I think if he knew you had a shortcut to getting stronger, he'd make sure he could catch up by any means necessary. That's how he is." “我认为如果他知道你有一条变强的捷径,他会尽一切办法追赶上来。 他就是这样的人。”

Goku nodded in uanding. "Yeah, good point." 孙悟空点点头表示理解。 “嗯,说得对。”

"Tell ya what, after dinner I'll hop over to the lookout and wait for him to show up, if you vince him." “告诉你吧,晚饭后我会飞到神宫等他出现,如果你能说服他的话。”

"Sounds good," Gohan said, turning around as he gathered his Ki to fly off. “好的,”悟饭说着,转身集结气力准备飞走。

"Hold on a sec," Goku said. “等一下,”孙悟空说道。

Gohan stopped, looking over his shoulder. "What?" 悟饭停下来,回头看着他。 “怎么了?”

"You're not just gonna e all the way out here 'n leave, are ya? I was just about to catch a fish for your mom to cook." “你可不能光过来一趟就走啊,我正准备钓一条鱼给你妈煮呢。”

Gohan turned all the way around and stared hard at his father. Goku's face was as rexed and aodating as ever. There was no ulterior motive, simply an invite for family dihe house behind him fred Gohan's nerves as he thought about the other two in there. 悟饭转过身,紧盯着父亲。 孙悟空的脸一如既往地放松和善。 没有什么别的动机,只是一次家庭晚餐的邀请。 在他背后的房子让悟饭的神经紧绷起来,想到里面的其他两个人。

After anxiously tightening his throat, Gohan shook his head. Yes, he was nervous, but he was no longer in the business of running from tension. And so, he nodded. 焦虑地喉咙一紧,悟饭摇了摇头。 是的,他很紧张,但他已经不再逃避紧张的场面了。 因此,他点了点头。

"Sure, I'll stay." “好的,我会留下来。”

A bright smile spread across Goku's face. It was iious, almost getting Gohan to break his stoic shell, too. "Awesome! I'll lead the way to the ke." 孙悟空脸上露出灿烂的笑容。 这种笑容感染力很强,几乎让悟饭也打破了他的冷漠外壳。 “太棒了!我来带你去湖边。”

After crag his retg his legs, Goku turned around, but looked over his shoulder with a smirk. Gohan's brows arched with curiosity. 伸了伸脖子,拉伸了双腿后,孙悟空转身,但他一边咧嘴笑着一边回头看着。 悟饭好奇地挑起了眉毛。

"See if you keep up." “看看你能不能跟得上。”

Those same brows furrowed intensely. "I won't have to see." 这对眉毛紧紧皱在一起。 “我不需要看。”

They took off like a couple of jaguars, ripping through the leaves, hopping through branches, navigating all the hills, rocks, fallen branches, and whatever other obstacles of nature came their way. Aire decade away from the forest, a Gohan could traverse it like he had been there his whole life. He and his father were ned neck while they sped through, petitive smiles on their faces. 他们像两只美洲豹一样奔跑,撕扯着叶子,跳过树枝,穿越起伏的山丘、岩石、倒下的树枝和其他自然障碍物。 整整十年远离了森林,然而悟饭却能像他在那里生活了一辈子一样穿行其中。 他和他的父亲并驾齐驱,速度飞快,脸上带着竞争的微笑。

Gohan relished it all. 悟饭尽情享受着这一切。

This was how it should have been. 这才是应该的样子。

As the sound of waves sloshing grew loku jumped up like a onball and desded to the keside. Gohan did the same. 当越来越响亮的浪声传来时,孙悟空像炮弹一样跳起来,降落到湖边。 悟饭也是如此。 When they nded, Goku folded his arms in triumph. 当他们着陆时,孙悟空得意地双臂交叉。

"Beatcha by half-a sed." “比你快了半秒。”

"Ys are lohan said, more than a little salty. “你的腿长,”悟饭说道,心情有些不悦。

Goku ughed him off. "Yeah, I had to deal with that once upon a time myself!" 孙悟空笑着把他推开。 “是啊,我也曾经有过同样的困扰!”

He and Gohan walked to the edge of the grass, taking a seat right besides the ke. Gohan gazed at the water as it paced bad forth, stopping to breathe in the fresh air. After a year of meditating with hardly any air to breathe in wildly varying climates, basking in the real world felt like heaven. 他和悟饭走到草地边缘,坐在湖边。 悟饭凝视着水,它来回流淌,停下来呼吸新鲜的空气。 在经历了一年的冥想,几乎没有空气可供呼吸的不同气候中,沐浴在真实的世界中感觉像是天堂。

And even disting the year in that room, it had been a long time. When he could actually just sit bad appreciate nature, without the iable dread that he would either wipe it all out or leave it in the hands of Frieza and his men. He could let all the birds and wildlife be as they were. 即使不考虑那个房间中的那一年,时间已经过去很久了。 他能够真正地坐下来欣赏大自然,没有那种必然的恐惧,即要么他会毁灭一切,要么把一切交给弗利萨和他的手下。 他能够让所有的鸟儿和野生动物保持原样。
