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香蕉文学网 > 重生2004,高中校园开始 > 第17章 技惊四座

第17章 技惊四座(1/1)


“Css begins,For the first time, let's wele all the education experts to our css。I hope you have a pleasant m。”(上课,首先欢迎来我们班听课的教育专家,希望他们能度过一个愉快的上午。)周舟流利的说着。

“Students, today we will talk about ese and Ameri traditional culture”(同学们,今天我们主要讲一下中国和美国的传统文化。)周舟继续说。


“So, who's Tossing out a brick to get a jade gem first”(那么,哪位同学来抛砖引玉?)

“Zhou, I'll go first”(周老师,我先来!)

“Today I'll talk about traditional ese culture, traditional ese medie”(我今天来讲一下中国的传统文化,中医)我继续发言。

“ese medie was born in the primitive society, the spring and Autumn period of the Warring States period of ese medie theory has been basically formed, after all geions have summarized the development. In addition, it has a far-reag impa Sinosphere tries, such as Japanese medie, Korean medie, Korean Korean medie, Korean Korean medie, Vietnamese eastern medie and so on are developed on the basis of traditional ese medie.(中医诞生于原始社会,春秋战国时期中医理论已基本形成,之后历代均有总结发展。除此之外对汉字文化圈国家影响深远,如日本医学、韩国韩医学、朝鲜高丽医学、越南东医学等都是以中医为基础发展起来的。)ese medie is based oheory of Wu Xing and regards the human body as the unity of Qi, form and spirit, analyse the pathogenesis and the ges of Zang-fu, meridians and joints, qi, blood and body fluid, judge the growth and dee of pathogenic factors, and then e up with the name of the disease,“Sweating, vomiting, purgation, calming, warming, clearing, tonifying and eliminating” were formuted, and various therapeutic methods such as traditional ese medie, acture, massage, cupping, qigong and dietotherapy were used, make the human body achieve yin and Yang harmony and recovery.(中医学以阴阳五行作为理论基础,将人体看成是气、形、神的统一体,通过"望闻问切"四诊合参的方法,探求病因、病性、病位,分析病机及人体内五脏六腑、经络关节、气血津液的变化,判断邪正消长,进而得出病名,归纳出证型,以辨证论治原则,制定"汗、吐、下、和、温、清、补、消"等治法,使用中药、针灸、推拿、按摩、拔罐、气功、食疗等多种治疗手段,使人体达到阴阳调和而康复。)My family is a traditional ese medie family, to my geion is the eighth geion, I know the wonderful use of traditional ese medie. It is also proud to be able to carry on traditional ese medie. Thank you, I hope today's introdu to ese medie, so that we have a better uanding of ese medie. Thank you!(我们家是中医世家,到我这一代已经是第八代了,我深知中医的妙用。也为能够传承中国传统中医而自豪。谢谢大家,希望今天我对中医的介绍,从而让大家对中医有更好的了解。谢谢!)”因为时间有限,我只能简短的用三四分钟介绍一下中医,希望缓解一下大家的压力,能有更好的发挥,因为这时我们这的外国人还不是太多。

“Very good, Li Zhengjia. Please sit down(特别棒,李正甲。请坐)”周舟表扬我一句。
